Order Transcript - AZ Courts

To assist you with your transcription needs, we have implemented the following online order form. Your online transcript order will be confirmed by return email. If you do not receive confirmation shortly, please reach out.

Complete the sections below:

ANP will make every effort to comply with Daily and Expedited orders. Your order is processed once the digital audio and paperwork pertaining to the hearing is received from the court. * denotes mandatory field.

Court/Agency Information

Court: Arizona Courts

Ordering Party Information

Full Name of Ordering Attorney or Individual(Required)
(Please leave this field blank if not a Law Firm)
Billing Address(Required)

Contact Information of Person Ordering Transcript

If different from the Information entered above
Full Name
Appeal - Please indicate if this order is for an appeal hearing:
Please Note: After pressing the submit button, you will be redirected to ANP's file transfer server in order to upload any supporting audio and documentation. If there a problem reaching this site or uploading any data, please reach out to your representative ASAP in order to ensure a timely delivery of the project.